“The RCC music, guitar, and jazz programs are truly amazing- not to mention the gorgeous-looking AND sounding concert hall with constantly-changing colored “light-sabers” overhead. I’ve met some pretty talented and passionate classmates, friends, and teachers who have inspired and pushed me to improve, seek knowledge, and become a better musician. My time there is something I’ll never forget and something I’ll cherish for years to come.”

— Calvin Junsay

Yale University Class of 2028 

Prize winner at numerous international classical guitar competitions including the Guitar Federation of the Americas, Boston International GuitarFest and the Plevin Guitar Festival

“My time studying at RCC proved to be some of the most formative years of my life. I can honestly say that I would not be where I am today in my career as a guitarist without my experiences studying with Peter, Jody, Charlie, Kevin, and the rest of the faculty at RCC. I made lifelong friends during my time in the program, and learned musical lessons that have been invaluable over the years!”

— Zack Caplinger

Professional jazz and bluegrass guitarist and jazz guitar faculty at California State University Fullerton.  Performances with numerous artists including the Clayton -Hamilton Jazz Orchestra at venues that include the Hollywood Bowl, the Baked Potato and the Blue Whale.